Texas Water Development Board

Issuer Overview
Texas Water Development Board

Issuer Type: Water / Sewer


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Issuer Overview
Texas Water Development Board

Issuer Type: Water / Sewer


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

December 31, 2020 - User Image

On behalf of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), I welcome you to our investor relations website. We appreciate your interest and investment in bonds issued by the TWDB. As a state agency, our mission is to lead the state’s efforts in ensuring a secure water future for Texas. Visionary State of Texas governmental officials have demonstrated an understanding of the economic implications of not having sufficient water supply and related infrastructure to meet the projected demands of a growing population. We have several financial assistance programs available to assist entities with all types of water, wastewater, and flood control projects.

The TWDB's programs provide local political subdivisions of Texas with low-cost financing for water-related infrastructure. From the first loan to build the White River Reservoir in 1958 to the most recent State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) and Flood Infrastructure Fund commitments, the TWDB continues to be a leader in financing water and wastewater projects throughout Texas. Projects have spanned the state, from El Paso to Beaumont and Dalhart to Brownsville, with investments in nearly every one of Texas’ 254 counties.

The TWDB has a well-established, proactive financial management history that is bolstered by our adherence to robust financial policies and practices. We are committed to maintaining our strong bond ratings and to being as transparent as possible with the investor community and public at large. I hope you find this website useful as you seek to better understand the credit and structural fundamentals of our bond programs. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with questions or suggestions. Thanks again for your interest.

Rebecca Trevino, Chief Financial Officer